Maximizing Cash Flow

As a new, small business owner, it’s so important for you to understand the importance of cash flow and to learn which strategies will help you improve it within your business. To assist you in this process, we have created a short – but simple – checklist...

Setting Sales Goals

It’s so important – as you embark on your journey into small business ownership – that you determine your business’ break-even point, along with the number of sales necessary to become a profitable enterprise. This is because, in addition to the tax...

Where do you rank in Google?

Where do you rank in Google? No one said growing your business would be easy, but you’re up for the challenge. You just need a plan. You’ve got the right team, the right product or service. Now, it’s just a matter of getting your brand/service/product out there in...

Setting Up Your Office

When first starting your business, it’s important to establish an attractive, functional office that is conducive to productive work, appealing to clients/customers, and efficient to operate. To help you in the process of setting up this space, we have created the...

Employing Technology

It’s always important to remember that, by taking advantage of technology, your small business can have the look, feel, and image of a multimillion dollar corporation; not to mention, you can accomplish more, in less time, with fewer personnel by investing in the...